Keeping your Labour Hire business organised and compliant

For labour hire businesses operating in regulated industries, adhering to both WHS standards and requirements of the clients you service can become an administrative burden. Paperwork, forms, spreadsheets, policies, procedures, worker qualifications, training records… These are all necessary and important files to keep track of, but it can become a mess without the right approach.

This article sets out key tips for labour hire companies looking to ensure that their business is organised and compliant.

Keeping compliant

Labour hire standards are covered under the model WHS Act. In line with this, Safe Work Australia have released a compliance guide - Labour hire: duties of persons conducting a business or undertaking providing information for persons conducting a business or undertaking [PCBUs].

So what documents do you need to keep to ensure you are compliant with legislation?

To ensure compliance with legislation your company must keep copies of various essential documents. A safety management system should be developed and implemented, with policies, procedures and processes that are tailored to your company and the work you undertake. These need to be maintained and reviewed periodically.

Employee records and documentation must be maintained to ensure that your workforce is compliant, and this includes labour hire workers on host sites. Many compliance-related records and documentation for labour hire worker records will also need to be shared with clients for visibility.

Documentation you may need to keep copies of are:

  • employee’s relevant licences,
  • qualifications
  • medicals
  • training
  • warnings and non-conformance letters
  • other competencies

Whilst the amount of documentation and upkeep can be overwhelming and difficult to maintain manually through spreadsheets and paper trails, online compliance systems can be a benefit to your company by allowing your business and workers to manage and share one worker profile, a quick and easy process to maintain and share relevant documents within your business and with external parties.

Keeping organised

What are compliance management systems and their benefits?

A compliance management system like Comply Flow consolidates and streamlines an organisation’s processes, files and other regulatory documentation saving time and money by reducing administration tasks that are often carried via emails and spreadsheets.

Compliance management software will benefit your company and clients by allowing you to manage all your business & workforce documentation in one place and help you to stay compliant with relevant legislation and industry standards.

For example, Comply Flow’s free platform allows you to manage all your HR and compliance admin in one place.

You can:

  • manage all company level licences, insurances, plant equipment and more
  • manage worker profiles to request and review HR and compliance records or training
  • check in real-time which workers are qualified, competent and work ready for different clients
  • stay on top of your documentation requirements with automated workflows and expiry reminders

Comply Flow Connect is an easy way to stay organised and for you and the Client to access accurate and up to date information, allowing all parties to ensure that their entire workforce is compliant and work-ready

Tips to help your business

A labour hire agency should, depending on what is reasonably practicable, exercise due diligence by:

  • developing, implementing and maintaining a company tailored safety management system.
  • ensure copies/ records of all applicable documents are maintained using a HR document management system
  • ensure worker documentation, such as competencies and qualifications is shared with clients
  • keeping up to date with relevant legislation and industry standards
  • undertake regular audits to ensure that host sites are safe from any physical or psychological hazards to labour hire workers
  • confirm with clients that further inductions and training regarding any changes in the workplace and tasks, are provided when necessary
  • ensuring continuous consultation between all parties

Following the above guidelines (and documenting the processes, to provide proof of compliance) will help to ensure your company has taken the adequate steps to meet the relevant obligations under relevant legislation.

If you’re a labour hire business (or any other type of supplier) looking for an easy way to share company docs, tickets, qualifications and competencies with your host Clients then our online HR Document Management system makes this a breeze.

Get started in 5 simple steps

  1. Create a Free Account for your Company
  2. Add your Workers to the account
  3. Assign Document Requirements to your workforce
  4. Upload Documents
  5. Share these Workers with your Clients

Register today to get started

Want to learn more about how Comply Flow can help your labour hire business? Get in touch today!